Analysis (experimental and simulation) of the BLDC efficiency. The answer why BLDC-driven copters have low efficiency found!
DC brushed: inductance and PWM frequency
Based on my recent theoretical model experimental data are analyzed, motor inductance is determined and data are fitted vs PWM frequency
DC brushed motor theory
DC brushed motor theory
Tiny brushed and brushless: thrust and efficiency
Raw data for thrust and efficiency for brushed 0716 (17500,19000), 0617(25000) and brushless 0603(17000,19000)
0716 (17500) brushed: 4, 3, 2 blade
Detailed experimental results and theoretical fit for 0716 brushed motor loaded with 4, 3 and 2 blade propellers.
Brushed motor: Model for PWM-ed DC motor
Testing brushed 0716 motor. Preliminary results. Some problems with theoretical model solved, firmware improved.
Test stand for micro motors
Test stand for measurements of thrust, torque, voltages and currents at important point of micro motors
Стенд для измерения микромоторов
Измерительнный стенд для микромоторов позволяет измерять тягу, момент силы, напряжения и токи в ключевых точках
Online graphing tool for DC motors and propellers
online plotter to simulate behavior of DC motors and propellers
Графический калькулятор DC моторов и пропеллеров
Удобный онлайн графический калькулятор для моторов и пропеллеров с целью понимания что, как и куда